Friday, November 16, 2018

Please Show-up Tuesday at 7 PM at Westminister Elementary to Support Bridge Housing Alternatives Study and Oppose 720 Rose Apartments

Reminder to everyone, Tuesday evening's Neighborhood Council Meeting is very important for the future of Venice.  

Please attend, fill out two speaker cards, and:

1. Support the Land Use and Planning Committee's Motion for the City to conduct a proper feasibility study of the several city properties that could be used for Bridge Housing, examining factors such as time to permit, number of people that can be housed at the site, risk/burden to nearby residents and school age children, availability of entry-level jobs, etc.  Our assessment is that by those objective standards there are several other sites, other than the MTA bus lot, which are far superior and place less burden on residents and offer more opportunities to the homeless, such as jobs.

2.  Oppose the Venice Community Housing Corp's massive apartment and corporate office complex across from Whole Foods.  It violates the height limit of the Venice Specific Plan, provides almost no parking, and would be the highest building in all of Oakwood, setting a dangerous precedent for developers to use to support approval of more oversize buildings, starting Venice down the road to the massive over-development we have witnessed in Santa Monica for years.